Plan your next adventure at Cortijo San Isidro

The environment of Cortijo San Isidro, in the interior of the province of Malaga, is really privileged, near it, along 20 km, you can explore some of the most impressive landscapes of the universal geography. A real route through history from the Palaeolithic period onwards, which will make you fall in love with it.

Cueva de Ardales

A large natural cavity that hides a prehistoric archaeological site with one of the best examples of Palaeolithic cave art in Europe. Of particular note are the red marks made by hand or blown by Neanderthal groups more than 45,000 years ago.

Necrópolis de las Aguilillas

A funerary site made up of seven structures excavated in sandstone, dating from the transition from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium. These megalithic constructions evoke the maternal womb, to which the deceased return after being deposited in them.

Basílica mozárabe y ruinas de Bobastro

Archaeological site comprising a cave church and a series of rock-hewn dwellings. From here, the rebel Umar Ibn Hafsun led the revolt against the Cordoba power at the end of the 2nd century. It is a key place for understanding the first centuries of the formation of al-Andalus.

Presa del Conde de Guadalhorce

It was built between 1914 and 1921 by the engineer Rafael Benjumea, as part of an ambitious hydroelectric plan that supplied electricity and drinking water to Malaga. More than 9 km long, it is a beautiful area with a multitude of pine trees and a nautical area.

Caminito del Rey

Located in the Paraje Natural Desfiladero de los Gaitanes, it is known for its narrow and vertiginous walkways, which cling to the walls of the gorge.

It offers spectacular views and an exciting experience for hikers.

Plan your next adventure at Cortijo San Isidro

Whether you want to enjoy the comforts of our cosy facilities or go on an exciting outdoor adventure, we are on hand to provide you with details of the most outstanding offers. Contact us to personalise your visit and make it unique and memorable. We want to make your experience special.

For enquiries, please contact us on +34 660 96 57 06 or book now.


Carretera 357 dirección Campillos,
Km 18 29559,
Ardales, Málaga ES

Phone numbers

Telephone Whatsapp:
+34 660 96 57 06

If you have any questions, please email us and we will be happy to help.